Veterans For Indiana is a veteran-led political action committee established for the purpose of helping Democratic Veterans get elected to Indiana offices. Veterans for Indiana is a voice for the issues and legislation important to all Veterans and their families. Its focus is on helping military Veterans serve their communities as elected officials. We work to raise awareness of candidates and elected officials who are advocating for and sponsoring legislation that helps Veterans and their families. Additionally, we promote and encourage Hoosier Veterans to engage in the political process. We connect Veteran candidates with a network of support that will include more than just financial resources.
Your support will help Veterans who are running for office as Democrats. Veterans for Indiana will financially support with direct contributions. It will also, when appropriate, contribute to organizations or efforts that are helping Veterans win elections.
If you are a Veteran running for office or thinking about running for office, please contact us at contact@veteransforinidiana.com to learn more about how Veterans For Indiana can assist.